
Sunday, December 12, 2010

STUDY GUIDE! Final Exam: Foundation of America

People You Should Know
  1. Christopher Columbus
  2. Thomas Paine
  3. Anne Hutchinson
  4. John Marshall
  5. William Sherman
  6. Andrew Carnegie
  7. Industrialist
  8. Progressives
  9. John D. Rockefeller
  10. Ida Tarbell
  11. Robert La Follette
  12. Muckrackers
  13. Upton Sinclair
  14. Jacob Riis

Question You Should Be Able to Answer
  1. How were the colonies separated?
  2. Which colonies allowed for freedom of religion?
  3. What are the differences between triangular trade versus middle passage?
  4. What was the Great Awakening?
  5. What was the purpose of the committee of correspondences?
  6. Why was the Declaration of Independence written?
  7. What was the first continental congress?
  8. Can you name the goals of the Federalist and the Anti-federalist?
  9. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the first national government.
  10. How was the New Constitution organized? Why was it organized in such a fashion?
  11. Is Manifest Destiny an idea or a goal for the nation?
  12. How did the Missouri Compromise and Kansans-Nebraska Act compare to each other?
  13. What does the word abolitionist mean?
  14. Which Supreme Court cases should you know?
  15. Which amendments do you think will be on the exam?
  16. What was the immediate effect of the Emancipation Proclamation?
  17. Which new inventions and innovations spearheaded the industrial age?

Time Periods/Terms You Should Know
32.  Reconstruction Era
  1. Gilded Age
  2. Progressive Era
  3. Labor unions of the 1900’s
  4. Social Darwinism
  5. Settlement Houses
  6. Tenements
What the best study advice you have ever recieved? 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Muckrackers Uncover Unsanitary Meat Practices!

Upton Sinclair wrote this book for a couple of reasons. First 
and foremost, he tries to awaken the reader to the terrible 
living conditions of immigrants in the cities around the turn of 
the century. Chicago has the most potent examples of these 
conditions. Secondly, he attempts to show the advantages of 
socialism in helping to remedy the problems of a society such as 
the one that exists in Chicago at this time. Sinclair accomplishes his objectives with an extremely 
powerful story. 
What are the lasting effects of Upton Sinclairs Novel the Jungle? 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Uncovering social wrongs

How the other half lives: Jacob Riis
Is it American to let people starve?