
Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring Break

Greeting students, I've had a wonderful time with my family this vacation and will come back to school refreshed and ready for STATE testing!!! How has your break been? Are you re-energized?


  1. I visited six flags yesterday, it was fun, Mr. King and I got on the roller coasters I was so scared, he laughed at me!

  2. I went to Idaho for my mothers wedding. Got home the day before Easter. We have state testing when we get back!?
    Cameron Richtik-7th period

  3. It sounds like you were really busy, yes the next 3 weeks will be very imporTant!

  4. Ooooooo Six Flags! That's so awesome. Haha. I just chilled at home and relaxed :) Hung out with some friends and stuff. Just enjoyed be lazy, haha. <3

  5. My break was pretty good just felt good to sit back and relax. When I came back today I was mostly energized but I feel that we need another week off.
    Daniel Austin
    per. 6

  6. I feel super reenergized, now i feel like its time to focus and get ready for testign and then no worries because its summer!!!woot woot!hahahah.

  7. do you when notecards are due??

  8. I visited family with my best friend during break and im still working on getting back into the school mode.
    jenn vranich
    prd 7
