
Monday, November 8, 2010

How to mend a broken nation?

"The Rail Splitter Repairing the Union" — a political cartoon of Andrew Johnson and Abraham Lincoln from 1865, during the Reconstruction era of the United States (1863–1877). Cartoon print shows Vice President Andrew Johnson sitting atop a globe, attempting to stitch together the map of the United States with needle and thread. Abraham Lincoln stands, right, using a split rail to position the globe. Johnson warns, "Take it quietly Uncle Abe and I will draw it closer than ever." While Lincoln commends him, "A few more stitches Andy and the good old Union will be mended." (wikipedia)

In what ways was reconstruction a success? A failure? Explain and use evidence from your studies in class. 


  1. I believe that reconstruction was a failure and a success. There were many problems and controversies along the way such as the Compromise of 1877 which ended this era. Along the way they had to face struggles with making segregation equal and constitutional at the same time.
    Riley Smith

  2. Ashley Gutierrez
    The reconstruction period made things better and worse.The US wasn't at war within itself,so it brought the south and north together.But it caused many problems for ex-slaves like segregation and black codes.This worsened the situation for the ex-slaves,making it harder for them to work and they got terrorized daily.They were given rights but barely any.Another good thing that came out of it was industrialization which made us a more powerful country,but it brought with it more problems.

  3. I also believe it was a success and a failure. First off, it helped African-Americans get more rights with the passing of the 13th Amendment (which abolished slavery), the 14th Amendment (which granted them and anyone else birth right citizenship), and the 15th Amendment (which allowed them the right to vote). Also, the best argument for the success of Reconstruction is that no one seemed with happy with it, thus compromises were made all around.
    It failed because African-Americans were still victimized by the KKK and other groups expressing white anger. They wanted white supremacy and when African-Americans got rights, they were not happy so they started terrorizing them and telling them that if they voted, they would be killed. Another reason for the failure of Reconstruction is that Lincoln was assassinated, thus the country was denied his direction during Reconstruction.

  4. hmmm.....what we intended to accomplish through emancipation proclamation was to give freedom to african americans but through consistent oppositions from white supremacies, which denied african americans natural rights. The 13th states that it would abolish slavery; 14th they had the right to vote, but in some states they were denied. As 15th (the same as the 14th) but cannot be denied. so when abraham was killed, his way of reconstruction was denied as well. SOOOOOO....summing up; The success was the african americans were given rights, but the failure was that they didn't know how to because the lack of literacy.

  5. i believe that the reconstruction was both a success and failure. the reconstruction brought new life and hope to African-Americans. African-Americans could now vote, and were granted citizenship. This is a massive step toward ending segregation.
    the failing part of the reconstruction was that it worsened while bettering the lives of African-Americans. The reconstruction raised white supremacy, a major group of supremacists called the KKK was the main group. The KKK put fear in the minds of all African-Americans, people were lynched just cause they walked down the wrong alley.
    JoJo Alfonso
    Per. 3

  6. In the history of the United States, Reconstruction Era has two uses; the first covers the entire nation in the period 1865–1877 following the Civil War; the second one, used in this article, covers the transformation of the Southern United States from 1863 to 1877, with the reconstruction of state and society in the former Confederacy. Three amendments to the Constitution affected the entire nation. In the different states, Reconstruction began and ended at different times; federal Reconstruction policies were finally abandoned with the Compromise of 1877. Reconstruction policies were debated in the North when the war began, and commenced in earnest after the Emancipation Proclamation, issued on January 1, 1863. Reconstruction policies were implemented when a Confederate state came under the control of the Union Army. By Jonathan Acosta Period 7

  7. reconstruction was a fail. basicaly after the civil war they were trying to rebuild all of the damage from the war. while lincoln was already dead the new president andrew jackson was bitter over lincoln assasination so he was mean to the confederates.
    Morgan Anderson per.7

  8. reconstruction(1865-1877)started with the removal of the old confederecy government and the input of the U.S. army. now the confederates were suppose to pay all of the war debts that they owe to the north but with the president andrew jackson after lincolns death the south was given money to rebuild and not made to repay debts. with that came the KKK that were born out of hate for those that favored to reconstruction and equal rights for african americans. so basically it was a sucess in the way that african americans were freed and given rights through the amancipation proclamation and a fail in which the south was not made to repay war debts.
